Outdoor Living Essentials

Check out the must-have list of outdoor living items for a summer you'll never forget! Just in time for the holiday weekend.

Comfy Seating.Your guests will love you for it and the memories will be endless.

Comfy Seating.

Your guests will love you for it and the memories will be endless.

Lighting! So many options and it's the quickest way to personalize to your exact liking. 12% of our Twitter followers voted this was their number one feature necessary.


So many options and it's the quickest way to personalize to your exact liking. 12% of our Twitter followers voted this was their number one feature necessary.

Patio Bar.Worth the investment! Don't miss any action. 28% of our Twitter followers voted this was their client's must-have feature. 

Patio Bar.

Worth the investment! Don't miss any action. 28% of our Twitter followers voted this was their client's must-have feature. 

Fire Table. S'mores, anyone? We prefer gas powered but old fashioned logs are fine, too! This was the most popular item via our Twitter followers at 43%!

Fire Table. 

S'mores, anyone? We prefer gas powered but old fashioned logs are fine, too! This was the most popular item via our Twitter followers at 43%!

Hanging Swing.Such a staple of outdoor living.

Hanging Swing.

Such a staple of outdoor living.

Dining Table.It's too awkward and inconvenient when you lack a flat surface for food and drinks and our Twitter followers agree-  17% stated this feature was their number one.

Dining Table.

It's too awkward and inconvenient when you lack a flat surface for food and drinks and our Twitter followers agree-  17% stated this feature was their number one.

Herb Garden.Fresh mint for that summertime mojito?

Herb Garden.

Fresh mint for that summertime mojito?

What do you consider an essential piece for outdoor living? Comment below!

Images via Pinterest